2011 Ajay Chaudhary
Post date: Aug 15, 2011 12:8:24 AM
I am writing to thank IIT-R Heritage Foundation for their generous support. I'm very happy and appreciative that I was selected as the recipient of travel funding, which materialized my dream of presenting my research paper at IEEE conference in Korea. This scholarship gave the initial thrust for presenting paper in an international conference.
I am a computer science major with an emphasis in Network Security. I plan to pursue a PhD in Computer Science upon competitions of masters from IIT Roorkee. This visit has opened new perspectives for me and will definitely help me in my future endeavors. Thanks to IITRHF, I am one step closer to that goal.
Thank you once again for your generous support. As an honor to IITRHF, I acknowledge the contribution I receive from them in my dissertation report as well as final presentation.