2019 Samarth Gubrele
Post date: Aug 23, 2019, 10:55 AM
I was selected under the NTU India Connect Program for an internship at NTU Singapore, to work under Prof. Xie Ming, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NTU Singapore.
My project "OSMind: An Analytical Tool for Robotics", comprised of development of an analytical software for visualization, simulation, and image processing using the Robotics Operating System (ROS).
The experience was truly enlightening. I learned a lot about the software aspects of robotics, and was very happy to see the practical applications of my projects. My supervisor was very helpful, motivating, and inspired me to maximize my productivity and produce the best results. I along with my professor are planning to write a research paper soon.
I was fortunate to meet several IIT alums at the PAN IIT Alumni meet in Singapore. I was also lucky to meet Mr. Sanjeev Agarwal, IIT R 1981 batch and a major donor to IIT Roorkee Heritage Foundation. It is alum donors like him that are making dreams come true for students like me through the IITRHF platform.
Overall, this was my best internship experience till now, and I am thankful and indebted to IITRHF for their support.