Year 2011

The IITRHF excellence annual awards recognize students for outstanding academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements. All students including those on loans and scholarships can apply. The award amount is declared annually based on the donor pool.

General awards are funded by the pool of IITRHF Club donors and Seed donors

Personalized awards are funded by IITRHF Seed donors

2010-11 Academic Year Awards (53 awards- one per branch per year):

A check for Rs 5,000 and a certificate were presented to 53 awardees during the Annual Convocation Day at the IIT Roorkee Campus on November 12, 2011. Current Director, Prof Pradipta Banerji has been highly supportive to make it possible. Here are some photographs of the ceremony:

Alumni Guest Lectures

Alumni Guest lecture series provides a forum for alumni visiting India to share their expertise with students on campus. IIT Roorkee Heritage Foundation will facilitate the logistics.

Prof. Brij Agrawal,

ME Mechanical 1966

Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA

Dept of Mech Engg

28 Feb 2011

Trends in communication and imaging satellites; Huble Space Telescope (HST); James Web Telescope; ISRO satellites.

Heritage Foundation Sponsored Paper Presentation

In 2011, following recipients were awarded the Research Paper Grant.


Sachin Tyagi,

Research Scholar in Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Ajay Chaudhary,

M.Tech. Research Scholar in Dept. of ECE

Vivek Jain,

PhD. Research Scholar in Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Engg.

Deepika Sharma,

PhD. Scholar in Dept. of Met. & Materials Engg.

Conference Details

International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT 2011, Singapore, June 26 - July 1, 2011

International Conference on Information Science and Application ICSISA 2011, Jeju Island, Korea, Apr 26-29, 2011

2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies MIMT 2011, Singapore, Feb 26-28, 2011

PFAM-2011, Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, Aukland, New Zealand, Jan 14-17, 2011